Portugal Casino Minimum Age
The minimum age for playing the National Lottery is being raised from 16 to 18 as the government seeks to protect young people from gambling related harm. From October 2021 it will be illegal for. Legal Gambling Ages By State – States Where You Can Play Online Casinos Legally At 18+ The following is a list of all US states that allow you to gamble at 18 years old. Click the links to learn more about specific gambling laws for that particular state and how they implement their minimum gambling age requirements. We also cover information.
Portugal Casino Minimum Age Rating
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The minimum age for playing the National Lottery is being raised from 16 to 18 as the government seeks to protect young people from gambling related harm.
From October 2021 it will be illegal for anyone under 18 to play the National Lottery or any related gambling game, and shops will be banned from selling any lottery products, such as scratch cards to 16 and 17 year olds.
The playing of the National Lottery's online games will also be restricted to those 18 and over, with a ban in online sales coming to 16 and 17 year olds coming in from April 2021.

The announcement came as the Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden launched a major review of gambling laws in a bid to protect children and vulnerable people.

Mr Dowden said the gambling industry had evolved 'at breakneck speed' since the National Lottery's inception in 1994, and the review aims to 'help those who enjoy placing a bet to do so safely'.

Protective measures such as stake and spend limits, advertising and promotional offers and whether extra protections for young adults are needed will all be looked at, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport said.
The review will also consider online restrictions, marketing and the powers of the Gambling Commission as part of a call for evidence, to examine how the industry has changed in the past 15 years.
The department said the government recognises the need to balance people's enjoyment from gambling with the 'right regulatory framework and protections'.
Portugal Casino Minimum Age Limits
The review will consider evidence on the action customers can take where they feel operators have breached social responsibility requirements, including interventions, as well as how to ensure children and young people are kept safe from gambling-related harm.
Portugal Casino Minimum Age Requirement
Mr Dowden, said: 'Whilst millions gamble responsibly, the Gambling Act is an analogue law in a digital age.
'From an era of having a flutter in a high street bookmaker, casino, racecourse or seaside pier, the industry has evolved at breakneck speed.
'This comprehensive review will ensure we are tackling problem gambling in all its forms to protect children and vulnerable people. It will also help those who enjoy placing a bet to do so safely.
'This builds upon our clear track record of introducing tough measures to protect people from the risk of gambling harm - banning the use of credit cards, launching tighter age verification checks and cutting the maximum stake on fixed odds betting terminals.'
Portugal Casino Minimum Age Limit
A spokeswoman for Camelot, the National Lottery operator, said they had always said that they would 'fully support' any decision to raise the minimum age to play.
She added: 'Now that a decision has been made to raise the age to 18 by October 2021, we'll be doing everything we can to implement all of the changes that will be necessary as quickly as possible, while ensuring that we maintain the very high standards demanded of The National Lottery.
'We've already started this work in preparation and, subject to receiving the appropriate licence variations and waivers from the Gambling Commission, we're aiming to complete all of the changes that are needed in our online channels by early April 2021 and, in our retail channel, over the course of the summer - well in advance of the change in law.'