Gambling Rehab Montreal
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop gambling. If gambling has become a way of life to help you escape reality, we can help you. In addition to the core addiction treatment programming, EHN Canada’s seven-week Problem Gambling Support Program includes specialized weekly gambling sessions. Individuals with gambling problems have several key recovery tasks and goals. If you are on our site, chances are that you, a friend or loved one is struggling with addiction. 1000 Islands Wellness & Treatment Centre provides Addiction Rehab in Canada and is one of North America’s most successful medical detox and addiction rehab facilities located in Eastern Ontario. The Gambling: Help and Referral help line (1-800-461-0140) is displayed on slot machines. Centre du hasard. All four Casinos provide a fun, interactive space called Centre du hasard, where information on adopting low-risk gambling habits is provided.
Drug & Alcohol Addiction and Recovery For Montreal
Heritage Home Treatment Foundation is a non-profit, English language residential rehab located just one hour outside of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We only take in 12 residents at a time to ensure that each resident receives the individualized care needed to overcome their addiction.
Recovery is maintained because Heritage Home Treatment Foundation not only treats addiction issues, but the person as a whole. We are a non-12-step facility, and use a combination of evidence-based treatments focused on psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and alternative therapies to address the resident’s addiction, but also their contributing mental health issues.
Overcoming Addiction & Finding Hope
Building Strength Through Positive Psychology
Recovery from addiction is not only dealing with life’s negative issues and problems. It is also a process of building up the positive aspects of one’s life and enhancing one’s strength and resilience. Put in simple terms recovery is a process of reinventing oneself as a happier, sober, stronger person. That is achieved through an emphasis on Positive Psychology. We are members of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association and incorporate into treatment therapies which develop these positive aspects of recovery.
Recovery at Heritage Home is done differently. We don’t just treat addiction, or the issues that arise from them. We treat the person dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. We combine evidence-based treatment, with a focus on psychological therapy. That isn’t all we do for those who pass through our doors. In addition to psychotherapy, we also put a heavy emphasis on pharmacotherapy, alternative treatments, natural medicine and do just about everything we can to help someone heal. To successfully help residents in Montreal recover from addiction, we take what works from traditional alcohol or drug rehab practices and combine it with the knowledge our addiction therapists have acquired over very long and devoted careers.
An addiction Rehab That Offers More
Drug & Alcohol Rehab: Healing and Success By Staying Small
We are an intentionally small drug and alcohol facility, and rightfully call ourselves a home. To provide a welcoming and relaxed healing environment, as well as a highly personal and individualized addiction treatment plan, we limit ourselves to accepting only 12 clients at a time.
We want to get to know our clients well, and we want each resident to feel comfortable in sharing their experiences. Getting a good understanding of each resident’s situation and problems can only be achieved in a smaller sized group. We feel that is by far the way to provide highly effective therapy which avoids having anyone fall through the cracks, as so often happens in a larger facility where therapy loses its individualism.

Addiction Treatment: Recovery, Privacy & Comfort
Recovery is a healing process involving neurological growth and is improved by a good quality of rest and comfort, and space for personal reflection. We understand that recovery is challenging work, and often physically and emotionally exhausting, which can lead to difficulty sleeping and need for alone time.
To help our clients get the best quality of rest, we provide everyone with their own private room and private bathroom. Our rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with high speed internet and a television. We recognize that people need privacy, and private time to reflect, and that a good night’s sleep is vital. Our comfortable cozy private rooms provide that.
Heritage Home Treatment Foundation is accredited by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, and its accreditation is verified by the same accreditors that verify Provincial hospitals.
Our primary therapy is psychological – medical. We are dedicated to providing the most current and effective modes of evidence-based psychology being used to tackle addiction. All of our therapists and counsellors are university trained in psychology and addictions at accredited US and Canadian Universities. Our therapy is divided between individual sessions and group sessions.
We provide evidence-based, effective therapy through cognitive behavioural therapy, rational emotive behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive bias modification therapy, all with a focus on individual and group psychotherapy. We strive to treat the psychological and emotional factors contributing to each individual’s addiction, as well as the addictive behaviour itself.
Concurrent Disorders
It is very common that drug addiction and alcohol addiction are accompanied by additional disorders. We are equipped to deal with dual diagnosis patients suffering from mood disorders in addition to their drug or alcohol addiction.
We treat concurrent disorders such as depression and anxiety; stress problems including trauma and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); ADD (attention deficit disorder); psychiatric ailments such as borderline personality disorder, and other such afflictions which often cause self-medication and accompany alcoholism and drug addiction.
We always strive for complete drug and alcohol addiction recovery without any medication. We realize however that for some this may be too great a challenge. When appropriate, we work with medications to assist clients in controlling cravings and to address other needs (such as concurrent disorders). In these cases therapy is adjusted to enable the correct use of medications without abuse.
Our physicians and psychotherapists are experienced in the use of these medications and can adapt our psychotherapy to get the maximum benefit from these medications. Our physicians are licensed to prescribe Naltrexone, Methadone, Suboxone, and a variety of other medications which have proven effective in helping to control cravings. We are members of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), a USA based association which includes Hazeldon, Betty Ford, and many other renowned treatment facilities. We adhere to the high standards enforced by the NAATP. We are also members of the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Councillors (NAADAC), the largest association of addiction focused professionals in the USA and Canada.
Medical Treatment
Our resident nurse is on site. Our addictions doctors and psychiatrist see clients as required.
For clients going into treatment, drug detox and alcohol detox is done on site and medically supervised. We understand that drug withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal can be scary, and our doctor and nurse make sure that our patients are both safe and comfortable during their withdrawal. Our detox physicians are licensed by Health Canada to prescribe suboxone and methadone and other withdrawal medications.
Patients leaving us are supported by our innovative and effective Aftercare program, which monitors and supports our alumnae on a weekly basis for up to two years. Portions of the Aftercare program are complementary and certain sections are available at a nominal cost. Individuals who engage well with Aftercare have a substantially enhanced and more successful recovery.
We also have computer workshops to acquaint clients with our private Aftercare social network site and our Smart Recovery online meetings.
Alternative Therapies
As good as our psychotherapy is, one however cannot spend the entire day in counselling and therapy. So to round out the day we also offer a variety of alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, massage, acupuncture, stress management, art therapy, tai-chi, rituals etc. Many clients find these practices to be a vital support to recovery, and a great way to deal with stress and anxiety in a healthy way.
Our predominant focus is evidence-based psychotherapy, however we are able to integrate into our treatment plans whichever alternative therapies appeal to each client. For example, if a client is drawn to the 12-step approach we bring them to our local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings, and incorporate that into their treatment plan, but do so as additional or supplemental treatment. Our goal is to establish and work with whatever combination of Psychological, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Nutritional, Alternative and Spiritual practices work best for each individual to maintain sobriety.
Recreational Therapy
We strongly believe that a large part of overcoming drug addiction and alcohol addiction is through relearning the joys of an active sober life, and we assist in this process through providing recreational activities and physical exercise. This supports better healing and recovery, and reduces stress and anxiety in a healthy natural way.
We have an excellent recreation program which is easily adaptable to an individual’s age and fitness level. We have a gym and pool onsite and our recreation director organizes activities such as biking, hiking, kayaking, golfing, fishing, geo-trekking, zip-lining, boating, bowling, camping, gardening, as well as visits to interesting local sites and to our seasonal country fairs. We also have a variety of craft activities including digital photography, pottery, art therapy, etc.
Food and Nutritional Therapy
Addiction can leave one mentally and physically depleted, which is why we incorporate nutritional therapy as an important part of addiction recovery. Our nutritionist is Professor Louise Thibault, a Professor of Human Nutrition and Dietetics at McGill University in Montreal who follows the latest research in Orthomolecular medicine.
She is very knowledgeable about what diets and supplements can help individuals recover, assist in controlling cravings, and restore neurological health often compromised by drug addiction and alcohol addiction. We are in farming country. Our cooks use fresh, local, sustainable foods and have won several prizes at our local country fairs for their delicious cuisine. We can also accommodate the needs of individuals with specific dietary requirements, including diabetic, vegan, vegetarian, lactose-intolerance, allergies, etc.
We participate and collaborate with researchers from McGill University in Montreal to evaluate new approaches to addiction treatment and post-traumatic stress (PTSD) issues and invite clients to take part. We also work with Florida State University (FSU) in treatments for alcoholism and anxiety disorders.
Tax Deductible Treatment Cost & Payment Plans
We are a not-for-profit foundation. This means that what we do charge is at cost. Moreover it is an income tax deductible medical expense which can be claimed as a deduction by the patient or by a caregiver or caregivers. Every client is provided with a medical certificate to assist in claiming a medical tax deduction for treatment, and we can help clients apply for a Federal government disability tax credit. These tax deductions can also be claimed by the caregiver paying for treatment if the individual getting treatment cannot utilize them. We work with many insurance providers, and can assist you to get third party financing for treatment. We are also able to offer extended payment plans to clients who have a good credit record or a guarantor with good credit. Please feel free to call us to discuss payment options. We will gladly try to work out a payment plan to fit your circumstances.
Green Initiative
Protecting the environment instills a sense of pride in our surroundings. Participating in our green initiative, gardening during your stay and learning about protecting the environment allows us all to replenish compassion. Addiction can have us pouring from an empty glass, caring for the wellbeing of our planet and it’s residents can remind us that we thrive when those around us are healthy and loved.
We proudly practice red worm composting, heat and cool with the assistance of geo-thermal heat, and buy carbon offsets to lower our carbon footprint. We buy the highest quality local and sustainable food from our neighbours who know us well, and supply it to us with loving care. Compassion, empathy and partnership are the principals that guide us in our effort to not only heal the mind, but the body, soul and planet at the same time. A healthy mind, a positive outlook on life and a feeling of pride in our community and environment can be discovered once more with the guiding hand of Heritage Home.
Call now to speak with one of our caring counsellors for a free assessment:
Telephone: 1-888-999-1968
Take the first step

“At first I was intimidated to go to a residential rehab; I didn’t know what to expect. It only took a couple of days for me to feel at home. The therapy has helped me stay sober for over two years now. I would highly recommend Heritage to anyone who needs help.” Marc age 37
Call now 1-888-999-1968