
Gambling Catholic Answers

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'The Catholic church on Gambling While Bingo is popular throughout the world as a revenue earning game that is played in churches, the Catholic Church’s take on gambling has always been a paradox. For the believer in Jesus Christ, there should be no appeal to take part in gambling. Gambling clearly breaks several biblical principles which are central to a Christian’s way of life. A Christian lifestyle is one that expresses faith in the loving care and provision of Almighty God, not in chance or luck (Matthew 6:33). Gambling, whether it involves games of chance (e.g. Card games), wagers or betting, or even lotteries, is not intrinsically evil (Catechism, No. However, a person may only engage in these activities with a strict adherence to virtue. We’re settling into our new home here in the great State of Texas. Welcome to The Council of Trent Podcast. I’m your host, Catholic Answers, apologist and speaker Trent Horn, currently recording now from my new studio, which used to be a closet, and it still is a closet, but here in Texas, when you buy a home, everything’s bigger in Texas.

My Baptist friend says that gambling is a sin. Yet, I know many good Catholics who visit places like Atlantic City and play slot machines and the like, or schools that have casino nights as fund raisers. What should I say to my friend?

Gambling, whether it involves games of chance (e.g. card games), wagers or betting, or even lotteries, is not intrinsically evil (Catechism, No. 2404). However, a person may only engage in these activities with a strict adherence to virtue. First, he must act with temperance, whereby he keeps his passions and emotions under the control of reason, acts with moderation, and uses material goods in a good way and in accord with the circumstances of his life.

Second, the virtue of justice governs both the game itself as well as the person playing the game. The game must be fair and all players must have an equal chance of winning. In justice, the player's gambling must not prevent him from meeting his obligations to support himself or his family, pay his debts, or fulfill other responsibilities.

Consequently, a person must be careful not to become addicted to gambling, because of its excitement or the possibility of making 'quick, easy, big money.' He must not risk money that is necessary for the livelihood of himself or those entrusted to his care. Moreover, a gambler should always weigh whether that money could be better used for something of clear, tangible benefit. Even a wealthy person who may have great disposable income must use moderation, recognizing that the money risked on frivolous gambling could be used to help those less fortunate.

With this foundation in mind, several 'classic' rules govern gambling:

  1. A player must be free to dispose of the stakes wagered in the game. He must be able to accept the risk of losing the stakes without incurring harm to himself or to others. Basically, the stakes should be 'disposable' money.
  2. The player must make the gamble with full knowledge and consent.
  3. All players must have an equal chance of winning.
  4. The game must be fair. All fraud or deception is prohibited.
  5. While everyone enjoys winning, the motive for playing the game should be one of pleasure rather than of gain. One must not depend upon gambling for one's livelihood. (Prummer, Handbook of Moral Theology).

Prostitution, gambling, and public drunkenness were severely punished, and rape could draw a sentence of death. Catholic social justice informed Cristero economic policy, which forbade speculation.

Even if one conscientiously follows these rules, he must always remain on guard. While gambling can be fun, it can also be very addictive. In a recent study, Harvard Medical School found that 1.29 percent of the adult population in America are pathological gamblers: this equates to 2.2 million addicted gamblers. Another 4 percent are considered 'problem gamblers.' Such addiction is a spiritual enslavement that a person allows to happen.

Besides addiction, a spiritual problem emerges when a person thinks he can make the quick, easy, big money gambling rather than by simply working hard. Here he accepts great risks that could have dire consequences. Such a condition deteriorates when a person loses money he should use for himself or his family and even accrues greater debt.

Be on guard, because gambling is a prevalent, luring, big business. Last year, the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey estimated that betting on last year's Denver-Atlanta Super Bowl reached $4 billion not including side bets and office pools. As of 1999, 37 states and the District of Columbia sponsored lotteries, and 26 states have legalized some form of casino gambling. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Americans spend $600 billion annually in legal gambling operations, at least $100 billion more than they spend for food. The revenues of the gambling industry continue to rise each year.

When I was studying at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, two fellow seminarians and I ventured to Atlantic City when we had a free weekend. Of course, we wanted to see this attraction, which was new at the time. I think we planned to spend $20 on the quarter slot machines, of course winning a little, losing a little, but in the end losing everything. Granted there was that temptation to keep going, thinking, 'The next one will be the jack pot,' but we held to the limit. I was appalled though by how many people spent hours loading the slot machines with multiple coins. Worse yet, I remember watching the action at a poker table and seeing the well-dressed, distinguished manager approach one of the players with a document to sign, which basically mortgaged his home. While I am sure most people had innocent fun, never really expecting to win, I wonder how many went away sad, regretting their actions. Herein we see the problem of gambling.


St. Augustine said, 'The Devil invented gambling.' Maybe so. Remember, as our Lord hung on the cross, the Roman soldiers threw dice to see who would get His tunic, seeking only their own benefit while being oblivious to the greater good (Jn 19:24). Granted, there is nothing wrong with gambling as long as it is kept within the confines of virtue. Nevertheless, one must be very careful and vigilant.


Saunders, Rev. William. 'Is Gambling a Sin?' Arlington Catholic Herald.


This article is reprinted with permission from Arlington Catholic Herald.

The Author

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Father William Saunders is pastor of Our Lady of Hope parish in Potomac Falls, Virginia. He is dean of the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College. The above article is a 'Straight Answers' column he wrote for the Arlington Catholic Herald. Father Saunders is the author of Straight Answers, a book based on 100 of his columns, and Straight Answers II.

Gambling Catholic Answers Questions And Answers

Copyright © 2003 Arlington Catholic Herald

Gambling Catholic Answers Questions

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